
The following functions/classes provide functionality for simulating gravitational lensing by the matter distribution in the universe.

Iterative lensing

class glass.MultiPlaneConvergence(cosmo)[source]

Compute convergence fields iteratively from multiple matter planes.


cosmo (Cosmology)

glass.multi_plane_matrix(shells, cosmo)[source]

Compute the matrix of lensing contributions from each shell.

  • shells (Sequence[RadialWindow]) – The shells of the mass distribution.

  • cosmo (Cosmology) – Cosmology instance.


The matrix of lensing contributions.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

glass.multi_plane_weights(weights, shells, cosmo)[source]

Compute effective weights for multi-plane convergence.

Converts an array weights of relative weights for each shell into the equivalent array of relative lensing weights.

This is the discretised version of the integral that turns a redshift distribution \(n(z)\) into the lensing efficiency sometimes denoted \(g(z)\) or \(q(z)\).

  • weights (ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]) – Relative weight of each shell. The first axis must broadcast against the number of shells, and is normalised internally.

  • shells (Sequence[RadialWindow]) – Window functions of the shells.

  • cosmo (Cosmology) – Cosmology instance.


The relative lensing weight of each shell.


ValueError – If the shape of weights does not match the number of shells.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Lensing fields

glass.from_convergence(kappa, lmax=None, *, potential=False, deflection=False, shear=False, discretized=True)[source]

Compute other weak lensing maps from the convergence.

Takes a weak lensing convergence map and returns one or more of deflection potential, deflection, and shear maps. The maps are computed via spherical harmonic transforms.

  • kappa (ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]) – HEALPix map of the convergence field.

  • lmax (int | None) – Maximum angular mode number to use in the transform.

  • potential (bool) – Which lensing maps to return.

  • deflection (bool) – Which lensing maps to return.

  • shear (bool) – Which lensing maps to return.

  • discretized (bool) – Correct the pixel window function in output maps.

  • psi – Map of the lensing (or deflection) potential. Only returned if potential is true.

  • alpha – Map of the deflection (complex). Only returned if deflection if true.

  • gamma – Map of the shear (complex). Only returned if shear is true.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ...]


The weak lensing fields are computed from the convergence or deflection potential in the following way. [1]

Define the spin-raising and spin-lowering operators of the spin-weighted spherical harmonics as

\[\eth {}_sY_{lm} = +\sqrt{(l-s)(l+s+1)} \, {}_{s+1}Y_{lm} \;, \\ \bar{\eth} {}_sY_{lm} = -\sqrt{(l+s)(l-s+1)} \, {}_{s-1}Y_{lm} \;.\]

The convergence field \(\kappa\) is related to the deflection potential field \(\psi\) by the Poisson equation,

\[2 \kappa = \eth\bar{\eth} \, \psi = \bar{\eth}\eth \, \psi \;.\]

The convergence modes \(\kappa_{lm}\) are hence related to the deflection potential modes \(\psi_{lm}\) as

\[2 \kappa_{lm} = -l \, (l+1) \, \psi_{lm} \;.\]

The deflection \(\alpha\) is the gradient of the deflection potential \(\psi\). On the sphere, this is

\[\alpha = \eth \, \psi \;.\]

The deflection field has spin weight \(1\) in the HEALPix convention, in order for points to be deflected towards regions of positive convergence. The modes \(\alpha_{lm}\) of the deflection field are hence

\[\alpha_{lm} = \sqrt{l \, (l+1)} \, \psi_{lm} \;.\]

The shear field \(\gamma\) is related to the deflection potential \(\psi\) and deflection \(\alpha\) as

\[2 \gamma = \eth\eth \, \psi = \eth \, \alpha \;,\]

and thus has spin weight \(2\). The shear modes \(\gamma_{lm}\) are related to the deflection potential modes as

\[2 \gamma_{lm} = \sqrt{(l+2) \, (l+1) \, l \, (l-1)} \, \psi_{lm} \;.\]


  • [1] Tessore N., et al., OJAp, 6, 11 (2023).


glass.shear_from_convergence(kappa, lmax=None, *, discretized=True)[source]

Weak lensing shear from convergence.

Computes the shear from the convergence using a spherical harmonic transform.

Deprecated since version 2023.6: Use the more general from_convergence() function instead.

  • kappa (ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]) – The convergence map.

  • lmax (int | None) – The maximum angular mode number to use in the transform.

  • discretized (bool) – Whether to correct the pixel window function in the output map.


The shear map.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Applying lensing

glass.deflect(lon, lat, alpha)[source]

Apply deflections to positions.

Takes an array of deflection values and applies them to the given positions.


The longitudes and latitudes after deflection.

Return type:

tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]], ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]]


Deflections on the sphere are defined as follows: The complex deflection \(\alpha\) transports a point on the sphere an angular distance \(|\alpha|\) along the geodesic with bearing \(\arg\alpha\) in the original point.

In the language of differential geometry, this function is the exponential map.