Photometric redshifts#

This example simulates galaxies with a simple photometric redshift model.


The simplest galaxies-only GLASS simulation, sampling galaxies using some redshift distribution. Then add a model for photometric redshifts with Gaussian errors.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# GLASS imports: matter shells, galaxies, random points, and observational
import glass.galaxies
import glass.observations

# how many arcmin2 over the entire sphere
from glass.core.constants import ARCMIN2_SPHERE

# galaxy density
n_arcmin2 = 1e-4

# photometric redshift error at redshift 0
phz_sigma_0 = 0.05

# parametric galaxy redshift distribution
z = np.linspace(0, 3, 301)
dndz = n_arcmin2 * glass.observations.smail_nz(z, 1.0, 2.2, 1.5)

# compute the over galaxy number density on the sphere
ngal = np.trapz(dndz, z)


Simulate true and photometric redshifts.

# sample the number (not density) of galaxies from the Poisson distribution
n = np.random.poisson(ngal * ARCMIN2_SPHERE)

# sample n true redshifts
ztrue = glass.galaxies.redshifts_from_nz(n, z, dndz)

# sample n photometric redshifts
zphot = glass.galaxies.gaussian_phz(ztrue, phz_sigma_0)


Make a couple of typical photometric redshift plots.

First the \(z\)-vs-\(z\) plot across the entire sample. The simple Gaussian error model only has the diagonal but no catastrophic outliers.

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.plot(ztrue, zphot, '+k', ms=3, alpha=0.1)
plt.xlabel(r'$z_{\rm true}$', size=12)
plt.ylabel(r'$z_{\rm phot}$', size=12)

Now define a number of photometric redshift bins. They are chosen by the equal_dens_zbins() function to produce the same number of galaxies in each bin.

nbins = 5
zbins = glass.observations.equal_dens_zbins(z, dndz, nbins)

After the photometric bins are defined, make histograms of the true redshift distribution \(n(z)\) using the photometric redshifts for binning. Use the tomo_nz_gausserr() function to also plot the expected tomographic redshift distributions with the same model.

tomo_nz = glass.observations.tomo_nz_gausserr(z, dndz, phz_sigma_0, zbins)
tomo_nz *= ARCMIN2_SPHERE*(z[-1] - z[0])/40

for (z1, z2), nz in zip(zbins, tomo_nz):
    plt.hist(ztrue[(z1 <= zphot) & (zphot < z2)], bins=40, range=(z[0], z[-1]),
             histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot(z, nz, '-k', lw=1, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('true redshift $z$')
plt.ylabel('number of galaxies')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.501 seconds)